paul und collegen


Studies (in English only)

Between Bond and Bollywood – how tourism and the film industry can benefit from each other
Study carried out on behalf of the Federal Tourism and Leisure Industry Division of the Austrian Economic Chamber, WKO (April 4, 2019)
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Publications (in English only)

Evidencing the Economics of Film Festival Funding: Do Government Subsidies Help? (mit Gerald Zachar)
In: Paul Murschetz / Roland Teichmann / Matthias Karmasin (Hrsg.): Handbook of State Aid for Film. Finance, Industries and Regulation. New York: Springer 2018. S.481–505. Webseite des Buches bei Springer | → Download des Artikels

Between Hype and EU Enlargement – Problems and Perspectives of the Film Industry in Germany and Austria
In: Reader film20-Congress "EU-Expansion and the Film Industry", Wien, 15. September 2003, S.28–38. → Download des Artikels