paul und collegen


Needs and market opportunities of additional film studio capacities in a region in Germany. Market and competitive analysis (ongoing)

Beyond the „Black Box“. Analysis and Navigation of Screen Tourism (ongoing)
Research Project

„The world of tomorrow?!“ Film (still) is effective! On the use of the economic and cultural potential of the Austrian film (ongoing)
Study for the Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI)

„The Austrian Film around the World – On the situation of Austrian Films on international film festivals“ – Audiences, funding, effects and strategic outlook (ongoing)
Study commissioned by the Association of Austrian Film Directors (with the support of the Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI), the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS), the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria European and International Affaires (BMEIA), the Collecting Society of Audiovisual Authors and Actors (VdFS))

Evaluation of CINEMINI I, 2019–20, European film education initiative for children of the age of 3 to 6, funded by Creative Europe
Report commissioned by EYE Film Institute (Amsterdam)

Evaluation of CINEMINI II, 2021–22, European film education initiative for children of the age of 3 to 6, funded by Creative Europe (ongoing)
Report commissioned by DFF Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum (Frankfurt am Main)

Visual History of the Holocaust. Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age (EU-Horizon 2020-Projekt) – Business Planung, Exploitation Roadmap (ongoing)
Project support commissioned by the Austrian Film Museum (ÖFM) and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital History (LBI)


Economic feasibility study for the establishment of a studio facility for film and TV productions in Vienna.
Study commissioned by the Vienna Harbour (Wiener Hafen Gmbh)

Calculation and modelling of the economic damages in Austria caused by the film and TV production stop due to COVID-19
Study commissioned by the aafp (Association of Austrian Film Producers) and Film Austria (Association of Creative Film Producers)

The economic impact of the film industry in Vienna. Analysis of the economic footprint
Study commissioned by the Economic Chamber of Vienna (WKO), conducted in collaboration with Economica – Institute of Economic Research (Vienna)

Introduction of a production incentive for Film, TV and Streaming for strengthening Austrias economic position and sustainable production („Green Producing“)
Paper commissioned by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW)

Introduction of an investement scheme with green production incentive for Film, TV and Streaming for strenghtening Austria economic position
Paper commissioned by the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO, Association Film & Music) and Location Austria

Between Bond and Bollywood – How the Tourism and Film Industries can benefit from each other
Study commissioned by the Federal Trade Associations for the Tourism and Leisure Industries (Austrian Federal Economic Chamber – WKO Austria)


FISA Evaluation 2017
Study commissioned by the Ministry for Econimic Affairs, 2017

Potentials of an incentive model for film in Austria
Study in collaboration with Deloitte and L&R Sozialforschung (Social Research) (commissioned by the WKO, VdFS, Location Austria and ÖFI, amongst others), 2017


Project support planning and construction of a film preservation center Austria
Study commissioned by the Austrian Federal Chancellery (Art Section), 2016

Fields of work and competences of F.W. Murnau Foundation and possible synergies with the Deutsches Filminstitut
Study commissioned by F.W. Murnau Foundation, 2016

New models for the use of digital and audiovisual media in education – Economic benefit and future opportunities for Austria
Strategy paper for the Association of the Austrian Film and Music Industry, study commissioned by the Austrian Economic Chamber, (WKO, Association Film & Music), 2016

International incentive systems for film financing: models, mechanisms of action, experiences
Study commissioned by the aafp (Association of Austrian Film Producers) and Film Austria, 2016

Analysis of the current state of archives, Filmarchiv Austria and Austrian Film Museum plus impact assessment in the context of structural changes
Commissioned by the Austrian Federal Chancellery (Art Section), 2015

On the situation for the Austrian film festivals - financing, effects, strategic prospects
Study commissioned by the Forum Österreichisches Filmfestival (FÖFF), 2015


Future potentials for economic and artistic success – Insights from changes in the Austrian film environment
Study commissioned by the Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI), 2013

Commitment to 'service productions' under FISA. Assessment of fiscal aspects
Study commissioned by Location Austria & Austria Wirtschaftsservice, 2013

Elimination of fee-refund for ORF (impact on the film industry)
Study commissioned by aafp (Association of Austrian Film Producers), 2013

Before 2013

Proceeds and revenue shares of Austrian film
Study commissioned by the Austrian Federal Chancellery (Art Section), 2012

Evaluation of the program ‘FISA - Film Location Austria’
Study commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth (BMWFJ), 2012

Strategic and organizational realignment of the Vienna Film Fund (FFW)
Advisory project commissioned by the Vienna Film Fund, 2010

Content delivery Austria - Conceptual considerations and implementation proposal
Study commissioned by the Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI), 2008

International models for state funding of film productions
Study commissioned by the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO, Film & Music Association), 2007

Accompanying the discussion on the abolition of the media funds and replacement by a German Film Fund (DFFF)
On behalf of the Federal Chancellery of Germany (Federal Commissioner for Culture), 2003 to 2006